Earn Up to $.05 for each email you read and $.02 for each email your direct referral reads. Dealsncash is the little brother to Hits4Pay.com. Okay this is a slow earner, I will not lie. I have been working it for a year with 17 referrals and I am just about to reach cashout ($30). I know I will be paid ,well because dealsncash has been paying people online for 10 years now(and Hits4Pay has Paid me). Dealsncash is a real brick in mortar business, you can contact them by phone. 1 Problem people have with Dealsncash & Hits4Pay alike is that they require you to have a 1099 tax form filled out in order for you to cash out, the reason is because they are a real company paying real taxes and must report earnings over $500 a year to the IRS.
The DealsNcash program is so easy to work. You just get a notification that you have an ad to read, you log in, read the ad, wait for the timer, and you are done. Sometimes I get several notifications a week, and sometimes only like 1 in 5 days. Overall Dealsincash is a no brainer and takes hardly anytime at all to do.
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